Making progress

For the time being, we are working to build the septic tank, have the plumbing installed to we can get the restrooms ready. Immediately after, if not simultaneously, we will finish the school building to hold classes in the fall. But before next September, we will try to have a couple of special classes for the young people and the children like music and English. Yes, speaking English in Haiti is a valuable asset.
Haiti Community Outreach is dedicated to reaching out to and serve the community of Sous-Rigole. God has been so good in providing the necessary funds to get this organization started. Those funds come from friends who love God, who love Haiti and the people at Sous-Rigole. We are appealing to you to become one of those friends and support Haiti Community Outreach financially to enable us to serve the children and young people in this impoverished part of the poorest country in the western Hemisphere.