About Us

Haiti Community Outreach is reaching out to children and young people at Sous-Rigole to lead them to Jesus Christ through Christian education primarily; and secondarily, through humanitarian assistance.
Our Mission is to bring children and young people in Deuxième Plaine, especially the community of Sous Rigole, to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. This mission will be realized through Christian education and discipleship.
Our goal as a Christian organization is to make sure children in the Sous Rigole (under the rivulet) community, no matter whether their parents are poor, uneducated and unchristian, have access to education and the saving knowledge of the good news of Jesus Christ.
What leads Gina and Raymond to found Haiti Community Outreach?
Haiti Community Outreach is a new not for profit organization located in Sous-Rigole, Deuxième Plaine , Petit-Goave, Haiti.  After we were asked to leave the organization we worked with for the past 30 years, Gina and I wanted to completely leave the ministry. But God had a different plan. We were let go on January 25, 2019.  On February 19, we drove 50 miles to visit Sous-Rigole for the first time to look at a piece of land for sale. As soon as we arrived at that impoverished area, we strongly felt that God was calling us to a new ministry. 
Immediately we started negotiating with the landlord, who lives in Boston, USA. He told us he would come to Haiti only to sell us the property and that we needed to have the full amount ready before he could come. A friend of ours loaned us $US6,000.00 to complete the money we had to pay for this property, roughly three acres. We informed the landlord that we were ready, but he kept postponing his trip to Haiti because of insecurity problem in this country so much that we were questioning whether God really wanted us to move to that area to found this new ministry. But God kept confirming to us it was his will for Gina and me to plant this new ministry there. Finally when the insecurity reached its highest point in August of 2019, the landlord came and sold us the property!
Now we had the property but no money to start doing anything else. We officially dedicated the land to the Lord, started a Bible study under a mango tree with the children and young people, and were waiting for God for the next move. We had never planned to have our own ministry. That means we never had personal supporters. So we only had God to turn to for help, God provided funding through friends who love Jesus and love Haiti. And our sons also contribute generously to this ministry.
So by early February 2020, we were able to lay the first stone to a school facility. We were trying to get ready to open last September. But political unrests, COVID-19 confinement and the poor condition of the road to Sous-Rigole when it rains prevented us from being ready to open the school this year. Yet we’ve been able to pour the roof on the school building, hang iron doors and burglar bars. We also started and poured the roof on a chapel/cafeteria and restrooms facilities. We have dug a well and installed a water pump. With a generous gift of cash from our children, we are beginning to build a wall to pence the property. This is a big project that will cost good money.
Praise God that after the confinement was lifted, we resumed our Bible study, not under a mango tree anymore this time, but in the facilities we are building. So far we have six young men and a young woman who made decision to follow Jesus Christ.
Following some torrential rains this year, some people in the community lost their goats. HCO intervened to start a goat project thanks to the generosity of our friends who love Jesus and who love Haiti. We give a goat to a qualified person, who will give one baby goat back to the project so that other people will become beneficiaries of the goat project. For the time being, we have ten beneficiaries. But we still have some money left to buy more goats when the exchange rate of the US dollars rises.
What exactly does Haiti Community Outreach do?
We endeavor to win the disenfranchised children and young people in the Sous-Rigole areas with the saving message of Jesus Christ and to educate them to give them an opportunity to a better life.
Why is this mission so important?
First, Jesus Christ commands us to bring those children and young people to him so he can save them. Second, we ourselves were once disenfranchised and helpless and hopeless, but somebody through a similar organization reached out to us. Third, many of the children and young people at Sous-Rigole have already gone astray for lack of parental guidance and provision. HCO endeavors to break the cycle of hopelessness: young people making children who also make children as soon as they reach puberty.
How can you help HCO fulfill this noble mission?
You can pray for us. We serve a God who listens to and answers prayers. You can plan to take a trip to Haiti, when the condition is appropriate, to visit HCO. When you see first hand the amazing work God is doing among his children in the poorest country of the western hemisphere, God will talk to your heart regarding what he wants you to do.  Last, you can decide to help HCO financially. We cannot put a price tag on saving lost children and young people. We cannot put a price tag on giving hope to hopeless children and young people. We cannot put a price tag on loving unloved children and young people. But we cannot bring salvation, hope and love to children and young people without utilizing money. 
When you help HCO financially, you empower us to tackle the proliferation of gangs in Haiti that threatens to destroy this beautiful country once called the pearl of the Antilles. It is scientifically proved that children brought up without a father, without schooling, and without religion tend to become a danger to themselves and to their community. We already have too many of such people in the rural community of Deuxième Plaine. We urge you, therefore, to consider supporting Haiti Community Outreach in order that we may be able to reach out to those precious children and young people.

Contact Info

Haiti Community Outreach
Deuxième Plaine
HT6220, Petit Goaves

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